Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Last Friday

So here is the story.  I had a bad couple of days last week, nothing to worry about now.  I was sitting in my office looking at Ecclesiastes 3 and wondering.  I picked up a book given to me by my grandmother when I started preaching.  She gave me all of my papaw's books...he was a preacher also.  When I opened it to Ecclesiastes 3 I found a business card.  It was my papaw's.  The card is about 50 years old.  That was not to impressive but what he wrote on the back was to me.  He wrote, "In the church's lowest condition the faithful few need not despair: the time to build up will come.  The love of God to his church is unchangeable.  The judgment of God will yet repair all the wrong of time."  I read this and wept.  I got on the floor and prayed to God.  I do not know why my papaw wrote this.  I do not know if it was for himself or someone else?  I do not even know if he ever used it?  I do know that God knew I needed to read it last Friday morning over 50 years after it was written on the back a business card.  I now keep it in my wallet.  I am so thankful that God loves us, he is with us, and someday he will repair, fix, and destroy the evilness of the world.  


Séamus Martin said...

You wrote:

"I am so thankful that God loves us, he is with us, and someday he will repair, fix, and destroy the evilness of the world."

An interesting choice of preposition - of the world. I find this a bit disturbing. Did you actually mean to write "in the world". That I could wholeheartedly agree with. But "of the world" implies that you consider the world itself to be intrinsically evil, even though the world itself and everything in it are God's creations. Please elaborate.

Anonymous said...

I disagree with the guy below. I understand what you are saying and what your papaw said makes sense to me. I agree with your choice of worlds and believe it as well. Your papaws words were also truthful and agreeable.
It took me a couple times to figure out what was said, but after I finally did, I thought about all that is going on in this world and realized your papaw is right.
-Meagan :)

Mark McKeehan said...

The world is evil. God created the world perfect but when man sinned, evil entered. How can you argue with that? Look around, read the paper, watch the news...Also we never teach our children to be bad, they learn that themselves. We teach them to behave and to be good. There is an enemy that will be destroyed in the future. So to use "of the world" or "in the world" God will destroy evil! Thanks for your comment.

Anonymous said...

The world is evil! Most defenitely. I have seen kids with the best parents that teach them right from wrong that just wont listen. That will do the total opposite and be bad. Its NOT the parents fault or the kids. Its the world because there is evil. Noi one can really argue with that and the people that do dont really understand whats going on and what other people are talking about. there will always be evil and that will never change. no matter how people are on this earth, evil will always exist because there's always someone, it can even be one person, that commits crime or has/does a sin. -Meagan(:

Anonymous said...

Although, I failed to mention that evil will one day be destroyed in the near future.